Using Ads to Disrupt Free-Speech

From The Guardian by Adam Gabbatt, 8/24/24

Headline:   “Tactical ad breaks and lies: rightwing coverage of DNC is exactly as expected”

Sub-head:  “Hard-right hosts resurrect racist Obama birther conspiracy theory and lament Democrats’ treatment of Joe Biden”

“The coverage, which has at times avoided the more pointed Democratic criticisms of Trump by cutting to ad breaks, has also including the criticism of women both for smiling too much and not smiling enough, and the coining of a new name for Barack Obama: ‘Barack-Stabber’.

“As the week wore on, it became clear that one tactic for news channels was just to ignore certain things happening at the convention. When a video was aired at the DNC about about the January 6 insurrection, Fox News cut to an advert for a landline telephone.”

Read the article here: