No Media in Gaza?

Article in Common Dreams by Jessica Corbett, 10/21/24

Headline: “House Dems Push Biden to Fight for Global Media Access to Gaza”

Subhead: “It is imperative that the United States urge Israel to allow independent access for U.S. and international journalists, in the interest of transparency, accountability, and the fundamental principle of press freedom.”

“Over five dozen Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives on Monday urged the Biden administration to “take immediate action to advocate for unrestricted, independent media access” to the Gaza Strip, where Israeli forces have killed at least 42,603 people and injured another 99,795 since last October.

“It is imperative that the United States urge Israel to allow independent access for U.S. and international journalists, in the interest of transparency, accountability, and the fundamental principle of press freedom,” the lawmakers—led by Rep. Jim McGovern (D-Mass.)— wrote to President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken.”


S.O.S.! Someone Wants to Burn Down the Media

Article in the New York Times by By Michael M. Grynbaum and David McCabe, 10/21/24

Headline:  “Trump Ratchets Up Threats on the Media”

Subhead:  “Presidents are not all-powerful, but, if elected, Donald Trump would have some influence with the federal regulators who oversee major television networks.”

“Threatening the news media is nothing new for former President Donald J. Trump. He has accused major news outlets of defamation, blocked journalists from rallies and White House events, goaded followers into profane chants about CNN and popularized the term “fake news,” now embraced by autocrats around the world.

“. . . Broadcast networks like ABC, CBS and NBC do not actually need a license to produce or publish news content. But the local affiliate stations that carry their broadcasts do require licenses. Those licenses are overseen by the F.C.C., which is independent from the White House.”

Reporters With Benefits May Have Problems


Article in Mediaite by Aidan McLaughlin, 10/21/24

Headline:  Olivia Nuzzi Out at New York Magazine After Relationship with RFK Jr.

Article in the New York Times by By Katie Robertson, 10/1/24

Headline: “Olivia Nuzzi, Reporter Linked to R.F.K. Jr., Accuses Ex-Fiancé of Harassment”

Subhead: “Her former fiancé, the Politico reporter Ryan Lizza, has vehemently denied the allegation, which she filed in a court complaint and to the F.B.I.”

“Olivia Nuzzi, the star political writer for New York magazine who was placed on leave after she disclosed her personal relationship with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., has accused her former fiancé of a campaign of harassment and blackmail, according to court filings.”

Previous article on OURFCM 9/21/24 is below:

Yelling at the Media Always Works!


Article by Morgan Stephens in the Daily Kos 10/18/24

Headline: “Trump’s latest tantrum shows he is clueless about how the media works”

“How dare Fox News let Vice President Kamala Harris appear on the right-leaning network and then allow some panelists to—gasp—praise her performance? That’s grounds for a predictable Donald Trump social media tirade.”

” . . .Who is going to tell him that the press does not exist to help him win elections?

“These objections are especially rich coming from someone still spewing threats against CBS’ “60 Minutes” following the show’s interview with Harris.”

Censoring Media is OK by Some Politicians

Article in Raw Story by Erik De La Garza 10/18/24

. . . so – Reagan threw out the Fairness Doctrine but actually still exists for TV ads?

Headline:  “Trump’s latest ask of Fox News is ‘arguably against the law’: media analyst”

“Donald Trump’s idea of demanding Fox News founder Rupert Murdoch stop the network from airing ‘negative commercials’ about him for the remainder of the election could be against the law, a CNN media analyst said Friday, adding that the former president’s comments show he is clearly bothered by the attack ads.

“Here’s the interesting thing: Trump asking Fox to ban anti-Trump ads is arguably against the law,” CNN media analyst Brian Stelter told anchor Wolf Blitzer on Friday night. “Fox operates local TV stations across the country that are subject to FCC oversight. The FCC has rules in place that require stations to be fair about airing political ads.”

Are Media Economists Elevated by Ideology?

Article in FAIR by Conor Smyth 10/18/24

Headeline: “To Be a Media Expert on Economics, It Helps to Have the Right Politics”

“Practical men who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influence, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist.” John Maynard Keynes made this observation in 1936, in his masterwork The General Theory. Nearly a century later, readers and viewers of corporate media face the same fate.

“The fundamental problem confronted by these news consumers is not that corporate news outlets consult economists in their reporting; as experts in their field, economists often have important and worthwhile contributions to make. The problem is that these outlets consistently elevate the views of specific economists who serve particular ideological interests over the views of other economists, or even the academic profession as a whole.”

“. . . On the face of it, this system makes some sense. But think a little deeper and you can see an insidious chain servicing the dominant players in American society. That chain needs to be broken. Media outlets need to listen to the evidence, not the false wisdom of economists hand-picked by American elites.”

It’s the Media, Stupid!


Article in the Guardian by Carter Sherman, 10/18/24

Headline: “Judge slaps down Florida effort to ban abortion ad: ‘It’s the first amendment, stupid’”

Subhead: “State health department sent letter to stations demanding they not air TV ad backing abortion access ballot measure”

“Florida’s health department can’t block a TV advertisement in support of a ballot measure that would protect abortion rights, a federal judge ruled on Thursday, after the department sent letters to local TV stations commanding them to stop airing the ad or risk criminal consequences.

“The government cannot excuse its indirect censorship of political speech simply by declaring the disfavored speech is ‘false’,” US district judge Mark E Walker wrote in his ruling. “To keep it simple for the State of Florida: it’s the First Amendment, stupid.”


Article in The Guardian by Carter Sherman, 10/9/24

Headline: “Florida threatens news stations over ad in favor of abortion rights measure”

Subhead:  “FCC chair condemns state health department for sending cease-and-desists over spot supporting abortion rights”

“The Florida health department has fired off cease-and-desist letters to local news stations over an advertisement urging people to vote in favor of a ballot measure that would expand abortion rights in the state.

” . . . On Tuesday, Jessica Rosenworcel, the Federal Communications Commission chair, condemned the cease-and-desist letters.

“ ‘The right of broadcasters to speak freely is rooted in the first amendment,’ Rosenworcel said in a statement. “Threats against broadcast stations for airing content that conflicts with the government’s views are dangerous and undermine the fundamental principle of free speech.”



“Who me, I’m Innocent?” – Said to the Media

Article in AP by Emma Burrows, 10/17/24

Headline: “Tech firms remove social media accounts of a Russian drone factory after an AP investigation”

“Google, Meta and TikTok have removed social media accounts belonging to an industrial plant in Russia’s Tatarstan region aimed at recruiting young foreign women to make drones for Moscow’s war in Ukraine.

“Posts on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok were taken down following an investigation by The Associated Press published Oct. 10 that detailed working conditions in the drone factory in the Alabuga Special Economic Zone, which is under U.S. and British sanctions.”

Fox in a Media Hole

Harlanov Flikr Photo

Article in Media Matters by Matt Gertz, 10/17/24

Hedline: “There is no Fox ‘news side.’ Wednesday’s Trump and Harris events prove it”

“Fox News’ Wednesday programming encapsulated the transformation of the network’s once-vaunted “news side” into an extension of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.”

“. . . Fox’s “news side” has been in steep decline since Trump took over the Republican Party and the network rebranded as his personal propaganda outlet. But even by those standards, the partisan divide it displayed on Wednesday was striking and would be catastrophically embarrassing to Fox’s employees if any of them were still capable of humiliation.”

“. . . The network has shortened its “news” hours and replaced newsroom staffers with GOP partisans.

“Reporters who tried to tell viewers the truth about Trump’s election fraud claims were first chastised by their bosses and then took jobs at other outlets.”

Media Are Quiet on This

Article in the New Republic by Michael Tomasky, 10/18/24

Headline: “Democrats Are Enthusiastic About Harris—but Don’t Tell the Media”

Subhead: “Another press failure: Endless curiosity about Trump voters. About Harris voters, not so much.”

“Polls, polls, polls. Way too many polls, way too much media coverage and obsession with polls. Right? Well … it depends on which ones. Because there is one set of polls that isn’t driving much press coverage at all, and I find it interesting and telling.”

“. . . It’s a close race. There’s a lot to worry about. I worry every day, and you should too. But you should also remember this: Democratic voter enthusiasm is high—higher than Republican enthusiasm, according to numerous polls. From the way this race is being covered, you’d never know that. Harris’s enthusiastic voters, especially Black women, aren’t “real Americans.” They’re being erased from the narrative. By the “liberal” media.”