The annual meeting of the Friends of Community Media [501(c3)] will be held online at 2:00 PM Saturday, April 10th. Because of the covid-19 pandemic, the 2020 annual meeting was postponed until 2021.
During the annual meeting, a yearly election of the FCM board of directors will take place by the members of the group. To become a member, annual dues of $10.00 are required at the meeting.
Current board members are: Tom Crane, chair; Craig Lubow, vice president; Greg Swartz, treasurer; Spencer Graves, secretary; Richard Thompson, board member; Susan Sarachek, board member; and Lynn Norris, board member,
The annual meeting of the Friends of Community Media 501(c)3 corporation consists of two meetings, the meeting of the membership of the group which will elect the 2021-2022 board of directors, and after adjourning, the new 2021-2022 board will meet to elect the officers of the board of the corporation.
Annual dues of $10.00 are paid to the FCM treasurer before the beginning of the meeting.
Call to order 2:00 PM when a quorum is established.
The Friends of Community Media statement of purpose is read:
The mission of Friends of Community Media is to promote non-commercial community-based media of all types, to educate citizens on the nature of the media, and to encourage all media to be responsive to the public in coverage.
A quorum for carrying out of the annual meeting consists of the attendance of a majority of the members from 2021-2022 New members may be voted in according to the bylaws to vote in the 2021-2022 election of the board.
Members who are eligible to vote have attended meetings in the past year and have paid their dues before the annual meeting begins. New members who have been voted in will establish the new quorum of the membership for the coming year.
TREASURER REPORT – Validation of membership
SECRETARY – Minutes from the 2019 annual meeting.
Election of the membership chairperson – According to the bylaws:
Sec. 11 The membership chairperson shall be elected at the annual meeting. The corporation secretary or a designee by members shall be responsible for taking minutes, the corporation secretary is responsible for keeping official copies.
Sec. 12 The presiding membership chairperson shall serve for one year, and may not serve more than two consecutive years as membership chairperson. In the absence of the chairperson at any membership meeting, the members attending shall select another person to preside over that same meeting. The membership chairperson shall sit ex-officio without vote on the board of directors.
Nominations for board members (voting for 3) Relevant bylaws say:
Sec. 1 The property and business of the corporation shall be managed and controlled by the board of directors. The outgoing board of directors shall provide financial accounting of the corporation to the incoming board of directors after each election of a new board at the annual meeting of the corporation.
Sec. 2 The board of directors shall consist of seven directors, four directors in even years and three directors in odd years. The board of directors shall be elected by the members at the regularly scheduled annual membership meeting which shall take place immediately before the annual board of directors meeting. Each member of the board of directors shall serve for a term of two years.
Nominations for FCM membership committee opened: Relevant bylaw:
Sec. 1 Classes of members: The membership of the corporation shall have one class of members.
Sec. 2 The membership committee shall be a standing committee chosen by the membership. In the absence of a membership committee the entire FCM board shall act as the committee. The membership committee shall establish specific criteria for membership in FCM. Minutes shall be kept of membership committee meetings, and shall be appended to the minutes of the FCM board of directors.
Sec. 3 The membership committee shall be composed of three members consisting of at least two-non-board members. Any person interested in becoming a member of the FCM shall submit a completed approved membership form to the secretary of the corporation and shall be retained in the FCM Corporation’s repository of official records in the office of record of the corporation.
Election of the 2021-2022 FCM board of directors. Relevant bylaw:
Sec. 2 The board of directors shall consist of seven directors, four directors in even years and three directors in odd years. The board of directors shall be elected by the members at the regularly scheduled annual membership meeting which shall take place immediately before the annual board of directors meeting. Each member of the board of directors shall serve for a term of two years.