Annual Meeting Time Change

Hi everyone, there is a change in the time for the FCM annual meeting. It will be at the same location and start at 5:00 PM.As a not-for profit 501(C)3 organization, Friends of Community Media (FCM), every year the group meets at an “annual meeting” to elect its board of directors and officers for the coming year.

This year, FCM members will meet on Sunday, April 3rd at 5:00 PM at the address below to elect our board. To be a “member in good standing” Dues for the 2022-2023 fiscal year of $ 10.00 need to be paid. Greg Swartz, the treasurer of the group will be available to collect dues at the event before the meeting begins.

2022 Annual Meeting of Friends of Community Media will be at 5:00 PM in the:Oak Room, Oak Hall4550 Warwick Blvd Kansas City, MO 64111People may also attend by a Zoom link but will have to have paid dues ahead to vote.AND via the Zoom credentials.For questions, phone 408-655-4567

More information may be found in the previous post which has also been corrected.

-=Tom Crane=-

For those wishing to attend via Zoom, here are the credentials.

FCM Zoom meeting

Meeting ID: 895 5398 3659

Passcode: 695590

One tap mobile
+13017158592,,89553983659#,,,,*695590# US (Washington DC)

Dial by your location
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

FCM Annual Meeting Coming Up

As a not-for profit 501(C)3 organization, Friends of Community Media (FCM) every year, the group meets at an “annual meeting” to elect its  board of directors and officers for the coming year. 

This year, FCM members will meet on Sunday, April 3rd at 5:00 PM at the address below to elect our board.  To be a “member in good standing” Dues for the 2022-2023 fiscal year of $ 10.00 need to be paid.  Greg Swartz, the treasurer of the group will be available to collect dues at the event before the meeting begins.
Following the meeting of the FCM members and the short meeting of the newly elected board, there will be a social event – a potluck – where you may bring something to share.  Interesting discussions will ensue about the nature of the media and what can be done to improve it.

To learn more about FCM, you may go to our website to read the group’s bylaws and other information about the organization.

-=Tom Crane=- chair of FCM.

Spencer Graves, the secretary of FCM the following message as a reminder:

The 2022 Annual Meeting of Friends of Community Media will be at 5:00 PM in the:

Oak Room, Oak Hall
4550 Warwick Blvd
Kansas City, MO 64111

People may also attend by a Zoom link but will have to have paid dues ahead to vote.
AND via the Zoom credentials below.

For questions, phone 408-655-4567


This requires you to have paid your annual dues of $10.  You can do
this any of the following three ways:

* > Donate button – [you may need to click on the icon for the
“Menu”, depending on your device]:  And do this enough in advance so
Paypal will show that your dues are paid before the meeting.

* Mail a check payable to Friends of Community Media to FCM, 3707
Pennsylvania Ave, Kansas City, MO 64111.  And do this enough in advance
so the check arrives before the meeting.

* Bring your $10 to pay before the meeting.