Current FCM Board

The FCM board consists of seven members elected by the members of the group who are considered to be in “good-standing” as stated in the bylaws and determined by the FCM membership committee. If there is no current membership committee the entire board serves as that committee. There are 4 officers – chair (president), vice-char (vice president), treasurer, and secretary with 3 others serving as regular board members. Board terms are staggered with 3 elected in one year and 4 elected in the next year. Currently, there are no term limits.

2024 Update:
The next board election for the 2024-2025 board terms will be in April, 2024.

2023 Board Results: at the April, 2023 FCM annual meeting members elected a new board consisting of Spencer Graves, president; Tom Crane, vice-president; Greg Swartz, treasurer; and Craig Lubow, secretary.

2022 Board results: The Friends of Community Media 2021-2022 annual meeting was held on Saturday 4/10/21 on Zoom at 2:00 PM after a hiatus due to covid in 2020. Board elections for 2022 were held by the FCM members and elected for a two-year term were Tom Crane, Craig Lubow, and Greg Swartz. Continuing to complete the staggered two-year terms expiring in 2022 are Spencer Graves, Lynn Norris, and Richard Thompson. Susan Sarachek’s board board term also was up, and her 2-year seat will be replaced at the next FCM board meeting on 5/8/21. The annual meeting of the new 2021-2022 board elected the following officers of the corporation: Tom Crane, chair; Craig Lubow, vice-chair; Greg Swartz, treasurer; and Spencer Graves, secretary. The FCM board consists of seven members elected by the members of the group who are considered to be in “good-standing” as stated in the bylaws and determined by the FCM membership committee.