Is the Digital World Destroying Journalism?

From the New York Times 2/28/24 article, “How the Media Industry Keeps Losing the Future” By David Streitfeld

“Thirty years ago, Mr. Fidler was a media executive pushing a reassuring vision of the future of newspapers. The digital revolution would liberate news from printing presses, giving people portable devices that kept them informed all day long. Some stories would be enhanced by video, others by sound and animation. Readers could share articles, driving engagement across diverse communities.

“All that has come to pass, more or less. Everyone is online all the time, and just about everyone seems interested, if not obsessed, by national and world happenings. But the traditional media that Mr. Fidler was championing do not receive much benefit. After decades of decline, their collapse seems to be accelerating.

“Every day brings bad news. Sometimes it is about recently formed digital enterprises, sometimes venerable publications whose history stretches back more than a century . . . “

“The slow crash of newspapers and magazines would be of limited interest save for one thing: Traditional media had at its core the exalted and difficult mission of communicating information about the world.”

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Leading by Bleeding

Sinclair has formula for making money off of tragedy. From the Washington Post 2/16/24.

From the Washington Post, 2/16/24 “Sinclair’s recipe for TV news: Crime, homelessness, illegal drugs” by Sarah Ellison

Sub-headline: “The local news powerhouse, whose chairman recently bought the Baltimore Sun, focuses on fear in broadcasts that often align with Donald Trump’s view of cities”

Are the Media Facing an Extinction, Dinosaur-Level Event?

From the New Yorker Weekend Essay, 2/10/24 “Is the Media Prepared for an Extinction-Level Event? by By Clare Malone

Sub headline: “Ads are scarce, search and social traffic is dying, and readers are burned out. The future will require fundamentally rethinking the press’s relationship to its audience”

“A report that tracked layoffs in the industry in 2023 recorded twenty-six hundred and eighty-one in broadcast, print, and digital news media. NBC News, Vox Media, Vice News, Business Insider, Spotify, theSkimm, FiveThirtyEight, The Athletic, and Condé Nast—the publisher of The New Yorker—all made significant layoffs. BuzzFeed News closed, as did Gawker. The Washington Post, which lost about a hundred million dollars last year, offered buyouts to two hundred and forty employees”

“Two hundred and four counties in the U.S. now have no local news—high-poverty areas are most affected—and, by the end of this year, it’s expected that the U.S. will have lost a third of its newspapers,” the article also said.

Looks Interesting

“I’m submitting a Training Session for Netroots Nation 2024! Will you please help choose the title?” – Sue Wilson


1. “How Local Communities can Hold TV and Radio Stations Accountable”


2. “Empowering Local Communities by Holding the FCC Accountable”


3. “Making Local Broadcasters Accountable to Your Community”


4. “How to make Local Broadcasters Accountable to Your Community”


5. “How to Stop Local TV and Radio from Poisoning Your Air” Don’t like any? I’m open to suggestions. THANKS!

Sue Wilson may be contacted on Facebook.