Want to be a Journalist? Don’t go to Afghanistan!

From the Guardian, by Sakhidad Hatif 4/1/24

Headline: The Taliban targeted us, beat us and chased us out. This is how we run our Afghan newspaper from exile

“In the two decades before the Taliban returned to power, Afghanistan had a vibrant media sector. There were newspapers, television channels, periodicals, magazines and more, invigorating the public discourse by allowing citizens to express their views on national and local issues. That is completely gone now.”

LINK: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/may/01/taliban-afghanistan-newspaper-exile-us-reporters

FCM Event on Saturday 5/4 Was Successful.

Friends of Community Media sponsored a well-attended event with Palestinian non-violent peace activist Awad Mubarek at All Souls Unitarian Church in Kansas City last Saturday. FCM president Spencer Graves, interviewed by KCTV, MC’ed the event.