Alternative Medium Has Good Stuff

Looking for a good source of “alternative” news and “alternative facts”? Truth Social has it all! This article in the New York Times shows us the benefits of subscribing to that site! You’ll find really valuable stuff there, too!

Article in the New York Times by Stuart A. Thompson, 1/27/23

Headline:  On Trump’s Social Network: Ads for Miracle Cures, Scams and Fake Merchandise

Sub-head:  Truth Social, the social network started by former President Donald J. Trump, has struggled to attract large brands.

To explore this special alternative source of media, check out the NYT article!

“Between posts about conspiracy theories and right-wing grievances was an unusual advertisement: a photo of former President Donald J. Trump holding a $1,000 bill made of gold, which he was apparently offering free to supporters.

“But there were a few catches: The bill was not free, it was not made of gold, and it was not offered by Mr. Trump.

“The ad appeared on Truth Social, the right-wing social network started by Mr. Trump in late 2021, one of many pitches from hucksters and fringe marketers dominating the ads on the site.”