Right Wing Media Predict War

Article in The Guardian by Jason Wilson, 10/28/24

Headline”  ” ‘Expect war’: leaked chats reveal influence of rightwing media on militia group”

Subhead:  “Disinformation and conspiracy theories – some spread by Elon Musk – fuel group’s vitriol and paranoia

“Leaked and public chats from Arizona-based “poll watching” activists aligned with a far-right militia group show how their election paranoia has been fueled by a steady drumbeat of conspiracy theories and disinformation from rightwing media outlets and influencers, including Elon Musk.”

“. . .materials offer a window into the way in which the rightwing information environment – and the unverified, distorted or false information it proffers – erode faith in elections, and encourage those who would violently disrupt them.

“, , , The Guardian’s review of the materials found many instances in which disinformation or exaggerated claims in the media or from rightwing public figures led directly to violent rhetoric . . .”
