News Coverage – Look Out Below!

Article in The Hill by Filip Timotija. 12/7/24

Headline: “Jon Stewart slams media speculation of Trump presidency”

“. . . Right before interviewing Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) during the episode, Stewart knocked news coverage of Trump’s transition and argued that the country has been through a ‘tumultuous’ year.

“ ‘We appear to be in a transitional period where we are not sure about whether the ground we are standing on is solid, although the news media seems convinced that we are the Road Runner and the Coyote, and the Coyote has run over the cliff, and we just looked down and realized there’s nothing under our feet, and now we are plunging to our deaths,’ Stewart joked in reference to the Looney Tunes animated characters.

“ ‘Because the news media is always very circumspect,’ he added.”