Article in Daily Kos by DrLou 12/24/24
Headline: “A complicit corporate mainstream media ‘sustained, resurrected’ and enabled Trump – because he sells”
Suhbhead: ” ‘Never Trump:’ a sorry tale”
” ‘Trump was created by the media. He was sustained and resurrected by the media’ and is the ‘best hope of a dying cable TV business.’ I’ve been arguing these very points for years. The media, with special attention going to the New York Times, was directly complicit in helping Trump slither into the White House in 2016. The corporate media then did it again in 2024.
“The corporate Right mainstream media has enabled and continued to use Trump to create the stories THEY want to present. To generate clickbait rather than reporting honestly on the stories that are happening. False equivalent and ‘both sideism’ journalism have ruled. If Thomas Paine or Alexander Hamilton were still alive, the collusion and outright cowardice of American corporate media would kill them all over again.”