Working with UMMA (The United Minority Media Association) and KKFI, FCM has participated in several “community ascertainment” forums set up by M. C. Richardson.

Kansas City, 6/23/17 – As a part of broadcast licensing requirements from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) there was an ascertainment requirement for broadcast licensees to demonstrate a commitment to the community they served. In 1987 under the Reagan Administration, this requirement and the “Fairness Doctrine” were abolished. Some broadcasters continued with the practice including a few in Kansas City.
One of the goals of an ascertainment was to promote diversity in broad- casting, but those who continued with the practice often contacted leaders in the business community with little outreach to various minority communities.
To rectify this situation, KKFI and Friends of Community Media (a non-profit media-reform group), are conducting community ascertainment forums. These are sessions where leaders in minority communities can have a voice, provide input to KKFI, and come up with recommendations to other broadcasters and media in the Kansas City area.
The next forum will be held Thursday, July 20th at the KKFI conference room annex at 39th & Main St., KC, Mo. (rear door) from 6:00 to 8:00 PM.
KKFI is one of 200 community radio stations in the United States which broadcast issues of importance to many groups. The July 20th ascertainment forum will bring together over 18 community organizations from around the metropolitan area. Many of these groups are often overlooked by previous ascertainment gatherings.
Interviews can be arranged and electric outlets are available if needed. Those needing photos may contact Jerry Lockett (816) 588-9264 or Groovy Grant (816) 756-7620.