Meeting Sunday, 7/2/17 at 39th and Main 11:30 AM at the KKFI conference room to prepare the final draft of the FCM bylaws changes for presentation to the FCM board. All welcome to attend.
Meeting Sunday, 7/2/17 at 39th and Main 11:30 AM at the KKFI conference room to prepare the final draft of the FCM bylaws changes for presentation to the FCM board. All welcome to attend.
Due to the current size of the organization and the difficulties in managing the membership of the board, Gordon pointed out that the current Friends of Community Media by-laws should be amended. Currently Article VI, Section 2 reads
“Sec. 2. The board of directors shall consist of no less than five and no more than eleven directors. At the regularly scheduled membership meeting taking place immediately before the annual meeting the number of board members to be elected for that year will be determined by a vote of the members. All directors shall be elected by the membership, and a majority of the members of the board shall be elected from the membership. In each odd numbered year, half plus one of the members of the board shall be elected, with the remainder of the board being elected in the following even numbered year. Each member of the board of directors shall serve for a term of two years, and may be elected to no more than two consecutive terms.”
A motion is in order to remove the following lines from Article VI, Section 2 of the Friends of Community Media By-laws enacted on 3/28/07.
“In each odd numbered year, half plus one of the members of the board shall be elected, with the remainder of the board being elected in the following even numbered year. Each member of the board of directors shall serve for a term of two years, and may be elected to no more than two consecutive terms.”
The complete Article VI, Section 2 of the Friends of Community Media By-laws would now read,
“Sec. 2. The board of directors shall consist of no less than five and no more than eleven directors. At the regularly scheduled membership meeting taking place immediately before the annual meeting the number of board members to be elected for that year will be determined by a vote of the members. All directors shall be elected by the membership, and a majority of the members of the board shall be elected from the membership.”
FCM Annual Member Meeting Agenda 4/8/17
Pay Dues (for those who haven’t $10)
Establish quorum (majority of members who have paid dues and attended previous meeting)
Remove automatically those who haven’t paid dues or attended a meeting. (Bylaws Art V Sec 3)
Minutes read and corrected from 3/25/17 meeting
Website update
Discussion of proposed upcoming events and locations
Elect membership committee (5) Article IV and chair (1 year term) – discuss next year’s criteria
Determine size of board for 2016 (5-11) (article VI)
Elect board for 2017-2018
FCM Annual Board Meeting Agenda 4/8/17
New board meets, elects officers –Pres/chair, VP/co-chair, Treasurer, Secretary
Quorum established
Minutes from last board meeting
Treasurer report
IRS Form 990 status
Elect officers
Friends of Community Media — Our website continues to develop! Keep checking back!