Disappearing Local News Calamity is Outlined in this Article.

Article from Nieman Lab by Joshua Benton, 3/9/23

Headline: “The scale of local news destruction in Gannett’s markets is astonishing”

Sub-head:  “It might not be as mustache-twirling a villain as Alden Global Capital, but its enormous scale has meant enormous losses for local journalism.”

“And its most recent SEC filing reports that, as of the end of 2022, Gannett had just 11,200 U.S. employees remaining (plus another roughly 3,000 overseas).

“. . . Gannett has eliminated more than half of its jobs in the United States in four years. It’s as if, instead of merging America’s two largest newspaper chains, one of them was simply wiped off the face of the earth.

“That’s a cut substantially deeper than the rate of newspaper revenue decline. Why? . . . “


Alternative Medium Has Good Stuff

Looking for a good source of “alternative” news and “alternative facts”? Truth Social has it all! This article in the New York Times shows us the benefits of subscribing to that site! You’ll find really valuable stuff there, too!

Article in the New York Times by Stuart A. Thompson, 1/27/23

Headline:  On Trump’s Social Network: Ads for Miracle Cures, Scams and Fake Merchandise

Sub-head:  Truth Social, the social network started by former President Donald J. Trump, has struggled to attract large brands.

To explore this special alternative source of media, check out the NYT article!

“Between posts about conspiracy theories and right-wing grievances was an unusual advertisement: a photo of former President Donald J. Trump holding a $1,000 bill made of gold, which he was apparently offering free to supporters.

“But there were a few catches: The bill was not free, it was not made of gold, and it was not offered by Mr. Trump.

“The ad appeared on Truth Social, the right-wing social network started by Mr. Trump in late 2021, one of many pitches from hucksters and fringe marketers dominating the ads on the site.”


Right Wing Radio Monitoring

From EIN Presswire – continuously monitors up-to-ate concervative talk radio broadcasts

Headline: “Right-wing/Conservative Talk Radio News Monitoring”


“Established in 1995, EIN Newsdesk helps millions of users track breaking news across thousands of trusted websites. Users may set up custom email newsletters and RSS feeds or search among thousands of preset news sections. As a member, you may also submit your own news using the EIN Presswire distribution service. Membership is free and we do not sell or lease any information about you. Press release distribution, dedicated APIs, and custom services generate the revenue that allow us to offer you free basic access”

Protect Reporters from Exploitative State Spying (PRESS)

Important! Save our press freedoms and protect reporters from spying and threatened intimidation! This legislation could do it!

Freedom of the Press Foundation
is asking everyone to “Tell Sen. Durbin to advance the PRESS Act, the
historic press freedom legislation”.  This bill, H.R.4330
(https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/4330), passed
the House on a voice vote, which means that if the bill actually comes
up for a vote in the Senate it may be viewed as an uncontroversial and
non-partisan issue.  They suggested Durbin, because he’s the Chair of
the Senate Judiciary Committee.

They asked supporters to contact Durbin’s office and ask him to support
the PRESS Act by calling 202-224-2152 or using his webmail form