Kansas City, Mo. , 10/3/19 – David Barsamian author of a book with Noam Chomsky – Global Discontents: Conversations on the Rising Threats to Democracy, will present his views on the state of the media on October 30, at 6:30 PM at All Souls Unitarian Church, 4501 Walnut in Kansas City.
A tireless and wide-ranging journalist, Barsamian is important to the independent media landscape with his weekly radio show, “Alternative Radio” now in its 34th year – and his books with Noam Chomsky, Eqbal Ahmad, Howard Zinn, Tariq Ali, Arundhati Roy, and Richard Wolff.
“Alternative Radio” airs locally on KKFI FM 90.1 on Wednesdays at 9:00 AM. An interview with him will him live air on Tuesday, 10/29 on the station at 6:00 PM on the “Radioactive Magazine” show.
David is the recipient of many awards including the Media Education Award, the ACLU’s Upton Sinclair award, and Friends of Community Media’s Media Excellence Award.
Admission at the door will be $15, $10 for students, low-income people, and seniors. A reception to meet Mr. Barsamian is at 7:30 PM for $25 (includes an event ticket and refreshments). Autographed books and CDs will be available for purchase. Ticket proceeds will benefit Friends of Community Media, a non-profit 501(c)3 group.
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People may order tickets for the October 30th event on brownpapertickets.com by searching with the keywords “Barsamian” or “Media and Democracy”.
Sponsored by the All-Souls Forum, KKFI and United Minority Media Association.