Article in Media Matters by Zachary Pleat, 10/23/24
Headline: “Broadcast news mostly ignored Kamala Harris’ proposal expanding Medicare to cover in-home health care for 15 million seniors”
Subhead: “Harris’ Medicare proposal was given just 35 seconds of combined airtime on ABC, CBS, and NBC news shows after two weeks”
“he major corporate broadcast news networks — ABC, CBS, NBC — largely ignored Vice President Kamala Harris’ proposal to expand Medicare to pay for long-term, in-home care services for seniors in the two weeks since she announced it.
“ABC, where Harris broke the news on an episode of The View, otherwise made only passing mention of the proposal, as did NBC, while CBS ignored it entirely. All told, this transformative expansion of Medicare garnered just 35 seconds of combined airtime across the three broadcast networks in the last two weeks.”