Assessing the Media


Article in Daily Kos by DoctorBeast68 10/24/24

Headline:  “There Must Come a Reckoning for Our Media”

“In two weeks, Americans will decide whether the United States shall continue as a representative democracy and the shining beacon on the hill of freedom and liberty, or will devolve into a corrupt autocratic state where political enemies are jailed or killed and the world’s greatest military will be deployed within our own borders to racially cleanse our nation of immigrants, both legal and otherwise. Those are stark choices.”

“. . . The media cannot escape its culpability in the erosion of democratic norms. There must come a reckoning for those who have failed to stand up for the truth, who have chosen profit over principle, and who have treated this moment of existential threat as merely another news cycle. Journalism is supposed to serve the public, to inform and educate, not to entertain and exploit.

“In fact, while the media sells the story of a close, nail-biting election, the reality on the ground tells a far different story. Polling stations are seeing record turnout, early voting numbers are shattering expectations, and the enthusiasm gap between those who seek to preserve democracy and those who support its destruction is stark. Far from being an evenly split electorate, a majority of Americans clearly understand the gravity of this election and are voting accordingly.”