Media Future in Computer World

From the New York Times Columnist Gail Collins 8/12/23

But on a more cosmic level, Bret, I worry and wonder all the time about the future of the media in a wireless world. Very hard to make money doing critical chores like covering state and local government. Or even just pursuing hard news.”

Now – What Was That Thing Called “Journalism” Again?

Article in,  5/11/23 Is Google getting ready to replace human journalists? From Futurism 5/11/23

Headline:  “Google Unveils Plan to Demolish the Journalism Industry Using AI”

Chat GPT Future Journalist?

“The Silicon Valley giant has long claimed that its goal is to maximize access to information. SGE (AI-powered search interface, dubbed ‘Search Generative Experience’) though, seemingly seeks to do something quite different — and if the company doesn’t figure out a way to compensate publishers for the labor it’ll be gleaning from the journalists, the effects on the public’s actual access to information could be catastrophic.”


Is Twitter a News Medium or Just a Propaganda Outlet as Public Media Leave it in Droves?

Artice from The Guardian by Guardian Staff,  4/14/23

Headline:  “PBS quits Twitter after being labeled ‘government-funded media’”

Sub-head:  “Broadcaster leaves platform a day after NPR’s exit over concerns labels undermine credibility as independent news outlets”

“The US’s Public Broadcasting Service, better known as PBS, has quit its use of Twitter after the platform labeled the organization as “government-funded media”.

“PBS’s announced its Twitter exit on Thursday, one day after National Public Radio also left the platform amid comments by the Twitter owner, Elon Musk, that NPR was “state-affiliated media” which should be defunded.

“The labels are shared by Russia Today and China’s Xinhua, whose editorial decisions are heavily influenced by their respective state regimes .. .”


In Our Brave New World, Will News Be Delivered by Pre-programmed AI Journalist Robots?

From the Guardian, 4/11/23:

Headline: “AI generated news presenter debuts in Kuwait media”

Sub-head:  “Kuwait News introduced Fedha, promising that it could read online news in the future”

“A Kuwaiti media outlet has unveiled a virtual news presenter generated using artificial intelligence, with plans for it to read online bulletins.

‘Fedha’ appeared on the Twitter account of the Kuwait News website on Saturday as an image of a woman, hair uncovered, wearing a black jacket and white T-shirt.

“’I’m Fedha, the first presenter in Kuwait who works with artificial intelligence at Kuwait News. What kind of news do you prefer? Let’s hear your opinions,’ she said in Arabic.