Bezos Says No Trust in Media Justifies No Endorsement


Einstein was quoted as saying,  “There will come a time when the rich own the media and it will be impossible for the public to make an informed opinion.”

Opinion article by Jeff Bezos (owner) in The Washington Post, 10/28/24

Headline: “The hard truth: Americans don’t trust the news media”

“In the annual public surveys about trust and reputation, journalists and the media have regularly fallen near the very bottom, often just above Congress. But in this year’s Gallup poll, we have managed to fall below Congress. Our profession is now the least trusted of all. Something we are doing is clearly not working.”

“…Most people believe the media is biased. Anyone who doesn’t see this is paying scant attention to reality, and those who fight reality lose.”

“. . . I would also like to be clear that no quid pro quo of any kind is at work here. Neither campaign nor candidate was consulted or informed at any level or in any way about this decision. . . ”

“. . . You can see my wealth and business interests as a bulwark against intimidation, or you can see them as a web of conflicting interests. Only my own principles can tip the balance from one to the other. I assure you that my views here are, in fact, principled, and I believe my track record as owner of The Post since 2013 backs this up.”

“. . . While I do not and will not push my personal interest, I will also not allow this paper to stay on autopilot and fade into irrelevance — overtaken by unresearched podcasts and social media barbs — not without a fight.. .”

Article in The Guardian by Lorenzo Tondo, 10/28/24

Headline:  “Real thread of autocracy’:  Washington Post editorial staffers resign in forceful letters”

Subhead:  “Fallout continues over newspaper’s decision not to support Harris for president as over 200,000 cancel subscriptions”

“More Washington Post staffers have stepped down and more than 200,000 people had canceled their digital subscriptions by Monday after the newspaper’s decision not to support Kamala Harris f”or president.

“Editorial board members David Hoffman and Molly Roberts both resigned on Monday with forceful letters indicating their reasons.

“I believe we face a very real threat of autocracy in the candidacy of Donald Trump,” Hoffman, who took home the Pulitzer Prize just last week, wrote in his resignation letter. “I find it untenable and unconscionable that we have lost our voice at this perilous moment.”

Article in The Hill by Dominick Mastrangelo, 10/28/24

Headline: “Washington Post loses more than 200,000 subscribers over endorsement outrage: Report “

“The Washington Post has lost more than 200,000 digital subscriptions since its decision not to endorse a candidate in this year’s presidential election, according to a report by NPR citing two people at the paper with knowledge of internal matters.

Such a number would amount to around 8 percent of the outlet’s 2.5 million digital and print subscribers.


Article in The Guardian by Lorenzo Tondo, 10/28/24

Headline: “Second Washington Post writer quits over failure to back Kamala Harris”

Subhead: “Columnist Michele Norris says paper’s decision to withhold endorsement in US election was ‘terrible mistake’ “

“Michele Norris, an opinion contributor at the Post and the first Black female host for National Public Radio (NPR), called the non-endorsement a ‘terrible mistake’.

“ ‘As of yesterday, I have decided to resign from my role as a columnist for The Washington Post – a newspaper that I love,” wrote Norris , who has been an opinion columnist at the paper since 2019.
People walk past the Washington Post building‘Fundamentally saddened’: Washington Post readers on failure to endorse Harris

“In a moment like this, everyone needs to make their own decisions. The Washington Post’s decision to withhold an endorsement that had been written & approved in an election where core democratic principles are at stake was a terrible mistake & an insult to the paper’s own longstanding standard of regularly endorsing candidates since 1976.’ ”


On 10/26 as of 10:00 PM media outlets are going bonkers about the Washington Post’s decision not to endorse a candidate for president following on the heels of the same decision by the Los Angeles Times.  Both newspapers were bought by billionaires who have seemingly put their thumbs on the scales of editorial policies in which a presidential candidate was always endorsed.  Here are a few links to the many articles with their headlines:

The Nation:  “The Washington Post’s Craven Capitulation to the Billionaire Class”

MEDIAite:  “Legendary Washington Post Watergate Reporters Blast Paper’s Decision Not to Endorse a Candidate”

Daily Beast:  “Is This The Reason Bezos-Owned WaPo Didn’t Endorse Harris?”

Huffington Post:  “Washington Post Declines To Make Presidential Endorsement For First Time In Decades”

The Hill:  “Washington Post reels from Bezos decision to not endorse”

Will Media be Shamed?

Article in The New Republic Greg Sargent, 10/28/24

Headline: “Michelle Obama’s Brutal Takedown of Trump’s Mental State Shames Media”

Subhead: “As Michelle Obama harshly indicts Trump, a former GOP strategist working to win swing voters explains why her message might reach undecided women—and reflects on how the media is failing us.”

“Over the weekend, Michelle Obama delivered an extraordinary speech that reminded us how catastrophic Donald Trump’s presidency was, harshly criticized his debased moral character, and asked why the press expects Kamala Harris to meet basic standards of public conduct that aren’t expected of Trump. Could this closing message win over the undecided voters who will decide the race? ”

Right Wing Media Predict War

Article in The Guardian by Jason Wilson, 10/28/24

Headline”  ” ‘Expect war’: leaked chats reveal influence of rightwing media on militia group”

Subhead:  “Disinformation and conspiracy theories – some spread by Elon Musk – fuel group’s vitriol and paranoia

“Leaked and public chats from Arizona-based “poll watching” activists aligned with a far-right militia group show how their election paranoia has been fueled by a steady drumbeat of conspiracy theories and disinformation from rightwing media outlets and influencers, including Elon Musk.”

“. . .materials offer a window into the way in which the rightwing information environment – and the unverified, distorted or false information it proffers – erode faith in elections, and encourage those who would violently disrupt them.

“, , , The Guardian’s review of the materials found many instances in which disinformation or exaggerated claims in the media or from rightwing public figures led directly to violent rhetoric . . .”

Media Noticing “Secret Plan”?


Article in New York Times by Annie Karni, 10/28/24

Headline: “Trump Hints at ‘Little Secret’ With House Republicans, Setting Off a Panic”

Subhead: “The former president seemed to delight in fueling speculation about what he is cooking up with House Republicans, prompting Democrats to worry about election fraud. Speaker Mike Johnson refused to explain.”

“Speaker Mike Johnson was taking in former President Donald J. Trump’s grievance-fueled closing rally at Madison Square Garden on Sunday afternoon when the main actor onstage turned to him and drew him into the drama.

“I think with our little secret we’re going to do really well with the House, right?” Mr. Trump said, addressing Mr. Johnson directly. “Our little secret is having a big impact. He and I have a little secret — we will tell you what it is when the race is over.

“This aside, delivered with a small chuckle, set off a frenzy among frightened Democrats who have been living with something akin to post-traumatic stress disorder caused by the last two presidential election cycles, and who are now primed to fear the worst.”


Article in The Daily Kos by Dan K,10/28/24

Headline: “Trump’s ‘Little Secret’ is starting to Get Media Notice [\update: Don’t Panic. Sort Of]”

“Last night and this morning much of the media reporting on the MSG rally was focused on the racism, the misogyny, and the sheer and utter stupidity of pissing off large numbers of voters in crucial swing states. Not much attention was paid to another, equally alarming, claim by Trump that he and Mike Johnson had a “secret plan” to fix the election, so he wasn’t worried about the vote.

“It took 12 hours, but that is starting to change.

“NYT just posted this a few minutes ago: Trump Hints at ‘Little Secret’ With House Republicans, Setting Off a Panic”


Media – Anticipatory Obedience

Owners kowtowing to . . . ?

Article in The Guardian 10/26/24 by Lois Beckett

Headline:  “ ‘Anticipitory obedience’:  newspapers’ refusal to endorse shines light on billionaire owners’ motives”

Subhead:  “The Los Angeles Times and the Washington Post both declined to endorse a “candidate – a sign of political media capture”

“When two American billionaires blocked the newspapers they own from endorsing Kamala Harris this month, they tried to frame the decision as an act of civic responsibility.”

“. . . Veteran journalists and media critics are using a very different phrase to describe Soon-Shiong’s and Bezos’s choice: they’re saying the two billionaires, among the richest men on the entire globe, are performing ‘anticipatory obedience’ to Donald Trump.”


Which Podcasts are Reliable?

From Ad Fontes Media 10/24/24

Headline:  “Junk News is Like Junk Food”

Subhead:  “We love them, but both damage our health and our society as a whole. What can we do?”

“We, as humans, have basic needs for several things. One of them is food. Another is information. We are always, by necessity and want, taking in both.”

“. . .Ad Fontes Media has known for years that podcasts, as well as YouTube and other social media platforms, have become a popular place for people to get their information. For that reason, we began analyzing news and news-like podcasts for their bias and reliability in 2021.

“As Podcasts Grow in Popularity, Harris and Trump Appear as Guests to Reach New Audiences

“Find out which shows can be trusted on the October Media Bias Chart for podcasts.

“Our team has now rated more than 740 of them, and 48 are featured on the October Media Bias Chart® for podcasts that was released earlier this week. Learn more about the chart, including which eight podcasts are included for the first time:”

Alternative Media All the Time

Article in Politico by Rachael Bade, 10/26/24

Headline:  ” ‘All Trump, All the Time’: Inside the Trump Campaign’s Media Strategy”

Subhead: “A top Trump adviser opens up about the effort to court a different set of voters.”

“Perhaps the most surprising thing about Donald Trump sitting down with podcast heavyweight Joe Rogan on Friday was that it hadn’t already happened. The former president has been on an expansive nontraditional media tour during the 2024 race, sitting down with a range of podcasters, but often those targeting young men in search of the Bro vote.

“Helping chart the course is one of Trump’s most trusted advisers, Jason Miller, who laid out the campaign’s approach in an interview with the Playbook Deep Dive podcast.

“Miller and Trump have a long history together. He’s worked on each of Trump’s campaigns since 2016, in roles ranging from comms guru to senior strategist, and he isn’t afraid to elaborate on the campaign’s strategy or defend Trump’s most controversial comments.”

Quacking like a . . .

Article in Media Matters by Charis Hoard, 10/25/24

Headline:  “John Kelly warned that Trump is a fascist. Right-wing media absurdly claim by citing him that Kamala Harris is inspiring “assassins.”

“. . .  ‘If you keep calling someone Hitler, eventually, someone will feel morally obligated to take action’ ”

“This week, retired Gen. John Kelly — former chief of staff to former President Donald Trump — asserted in interviews with The New York Times that he believed Trump ‘falls into the general definition of fascist’ and that he has previously praised Adolf Hitler.

“Vice President Kamala Harris echoed the sentiments during her town hall on Wednesday night when asked about Kelly’s comments, sending right-wing media into an uproar.

“In a desperate attempt to spin the serious remarks about Trump into a negative story about Harris, right-wing media figures attacked the Democratic nominee, calling her hypocritical, claiming that she was repeating unsubstantiated claims, and suggesting she’s inciting violence against Trump by agreeing with Kelly’s comments.”

Media and the Machines

Article in Media Matters by Jack Winstanley, Jack Wheatley & Reed McMaster, 10/24/24

Headline:  “Far-right media figures are reviving their conspiratorial crusade against Dominion Voting Systems”

Subhead:  “With early voting underway, some right-wing media figures are falsely claiming that Dominion voting machines are “switching the votes”

“As early voting gets underway in many states, far-right media outlets and personalities have begun promoting a conspiracy theory that Dominion voting machines have “switched” votes, which echoes the debunked conspiracy theory about Dominion voting machines that was heavily promoted by far-right and right-wing media, such as Fox News, in 2020.”

Springtime for Media?

from “The Producers”

Article in The Intercept by James Risen , 10/25/24

Headline:  “Mainstream Media Was Afraid to Compare Trump to Hitler. Now the Press Has No Excuse.”

Subhead:  “Statements by John Kelly, Trump’s former chief of staff, have made it nearly impossible for the media to avoid Hitler comparisons.”

“For decades, reporters have been taught not to make Hitler analogies in stories about American politics. Adolf Hitler was so uniquely evil that any comparison of an American politician with the Nazi leader was considered unfair and out of bounds.

“And then came Donald Trump.

“Trump is the first modern American political figure to force journalists to reassess whether Hitler references meet their editorial standards.

“In my columns and other articles for The Intercept, I have drawn attention to the increasingly obvious parallels between Hitler and Trump and between the Nazi movement and the MAGA cult. Yet most mainstream journalists have stubbornly stuck to the de facto ban on Hitler analogies and have refused to compare the two.”

“. . . But in explosive new statements, Trump’s own former White House chief of staff has made it virtually impossible for the press to justify a continued ban on Trump/Hitler references..”