Fighting Unfavorable Press – Just Like Fighting Nazis!

Article in Media Matters by Eric Hananoki, 10/22/24

Headline: “At Team Trump-backed event, Mark Robinson compares himself fighting the news media to Allied soldiers fighting Nazis”

“North Carolina Republican gubernatorial nominee Mark Robinson recently spoke on the Trump-backed “ReAwaken America” tour, where he compared fighting the news media to battling Nazis at Normandy Beach. His speech was well-received by Trump ally and ReAwaken America co-organizer Mike Flynn, who asked the audience to donate to Robinson’s campaign.

“Robinson’s rhetoric echoes that of former President Donald Trump, who has referred to the news media as the “enemy of the American people.” Trump has also explicitly threatened to use government resources to target news organizations.”

How to get Votes or Favorable Media – Pay for Them!

Article in The Hill by Dominick Mastrangelo, 10/23/24

Headline: “Nicole Shanahan offered $500K to Washington Post reporter to share sources, be a ‘whistleblower’ “

“Nicole Shanahan, former independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s running mate, offered half a million dollars to a Washington Post journalist to be a “whistleblower” against her political enemies.

“The Post, in a wide-ranging profile of Shanahan published Wednesday, revealed the offer was made this summer, when the outlet was reporting on her during the time Kennedy’s campaign was still active.”

No Media, No News?

Video Article in Al JAzeera by Hashem Ahelbarra, 10/23/24

Headline:  “Will the US pressure Israel to allow foreign journalists into Gaza?”

“Dozens of US House Democrats urge US President Joe Biden to push Israel for independent media access to Gaza.

“Israel has severely restricted international journalists from entering Gaza as its military has carried out its assault on the Palestinian territory for more than a year.

“Politicians in the United States are questioning the decision to block access to foreign media outlets

Tax on Tech Media for News Posts?

Article by Rod Sims on TechXplore, 10/23/24

Headline: Should a big tech tax fund news? A new report reopens debate on platforms and media

What will Australia do?

“Meta’s announcement nearly eight months ago that it would no longer do commercial deals under the News Media Bargaining Code has led to much speculation as to how the government would respond.

“The code became law in 2021. Facing the threat of designation under it—which would involve further legal obligations platforms may wish to avoid—both Google and Facebook (now Meta) did deals with news media businesses worth up to A$250 million per year.”

Media Are Missing Something?

Article in The Guardian by Moustafa Bayoumi, 10/23/2410.19

Headline: ” ‘I don’t have much hope for a Harris presidency’: Ta-Nehisi Coates on Israeli apartheid and what the media gets wrong about Palestine”

““The Palestine I saw bore so little likeness to the stories I read, and so much resemblance to the systems I’ve known,” he writes. The intensity of his critique extends almost as much to American journalism as it does to Israel’s system of control.”

“. . . The thing that I’ve thought a lot more about is the fact that you have a class of low-information journalists, certainly when it comes to Palestine and Israel, and perhaps the world. And I say that as somebody who was among them. These people are not low-information because they’re bad people or even necessarily incurious people. But there is tremendous pressure not to have this conversation”

“. . .I think there’s appropriate sensitivity around the Holocaust. I think there is appropriate sensitivity around the lethal force and weight of antisemitism in western history. But that doesn’t give journalists a pass to not know [what is happening to the Palestinians].”

“. . .There are very few, if any, major media organizations where Palestinians, Palestinian Americans or maybe even Arab Americans have much power in terms of determining what the coverage looks like.”


Medicare Proposal Ignored by Broadcasters

Article in Media Matters by Zachary Pleat, 10/23/24

Headline:  “Broadcast news mostly ignored Kamala Harris’ proposal expanding Medicare to cover in-home health care for 15 million seniors”

Subhead:  “Harris’ Medicare proposal was given just 35 seconds of combined airtime on ABC, CBS, and NBC news shows after two weeks”

“he major corporate broadcast news networks — ABC, CBS, NBC — largely ignored Vice President Kamala Harris’ proposal to expand Medicare to pay for long-term, in-home care services for seniors in the two weeks since she announced it.

“ABC, where Harris broke the news on an episode of The View, otherwise made only passing mention of the proposal, as did NBC, while CBS ignored it entirely. All told, this transformative expansion of Medicare garnered just 35 seconds of combined airtime across the three broadcast networks in the last two weeks.”

No Media in Gaza?

Article in Common Dreams by Jessica Corbett, 10/21/24

Headline: “House Dems Push Biden to Fight for Global Media Access to Gaza”

Subhead: “It is imperative that the United States urge Israel to allow independent access for U.S. and international journalists, in the interest of transparency, accountability, and the fundamental principle of press freedom.”

“Over five dozen Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives on Monday urged the Biden administration to “take immediate action to advocate for unrestricted, independent media access” to the Gaza Strip, where Israeli forces have killed at least 42,603 people and injured another 99,795 since last October.

“It is imperative that the United States urge Israel to allow independent access for U.S. and international journalists, in the interest of transparency, accountability, and the fundamental principle of press freedom,” the lawmakers—led by Rep. Jim McGovern (D-Mass.)— wrote to President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken.”


S.O.S.! Someone Wants to Burn Down the Media

Article in the New York Times by By Michael M. Grynbaum and David McCabe, 10/21/24

Headline:  “Trump Ratchets Up Threats on the Media”

Subhead:  “Presidents are not all-powerful, but, if elected, Donald Trump would have some influence with the federal regulators who oversee major television networks.”

“Threatening the news media is nothing new for former President Donald J. Trump. He has accused major news outlets of defamation, blocked journalists from rallies and White House events, goaded followers into profane chants about CNN and popularized the term “fake news,” now embraced by autocrats around the world.

“. . . Broadcast networks like ABC, CBS and NBC do not actually need a license to produce or publish news content. But the local affiliate stations that carry their broadcasts do require licenses. Those licenses are overseen by the F.C.C., which is independent from the White House.”

Reporters With Benefits May Have Problems


Article in Mediaite by Aidan McLaughlin, 10/21/24

Headline:  “Olivia Nuzzi Out at New York Magazine After Relationship with RFK Jr.”

Article in the New York Times by By Katie Robertson, 10/1/24

Headline: “Olivia Nuzzi, Reporter Linked to R.F.K. Jr., Accuses Ex-Fiancé of Harassment”

Subhead: “Her former fiancé, the Politico reporter Ryan Lizza, has vehemently denied the allegation, which she filed in a court complaint and to the F.B.I.”

“Olivia Nuzzi, the star political writer for New York magazine who was placed on leave after she disclosed her personal relationship with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., has accused her former fiancé of a campaign of harassment and blackmail, according to court filings.”

Article by Guardian Staff in The Guardian, 9/20/24

Headline: “Reporter Olivia Nuzzi on leave after alleged personal relationship with RFK Jr revealed”

Subhead: “New York magazine politics writer profiled Kennedy during his presidential run and says their talks ‘turned personal’ “

“A top politics writer for New York Magazine has taken leave at the publication after it emerged that she allegedly had a personal relationship with Robert F Kennedy Jr, a scion of the Kennedy dynasty who ran a high-profile independent campaign for the White House before endorsing Donald Trump.

“Olivia Nuzzi, who has written extensive long-form pieces about US politics, including RFK Jr, violated the magazine’s standards around disclosing conflicts of interests, the publication said in a statement.

“Our Washington Correspondent Olivia Nuzzi acknowledged to the magazine’s editors that she had engaged in a personal relationship with a former subject relevant to the 2024 campaign . . . “.

Media Feeding War?

Audio interview of Norman Solomon on Alternative Radio by David Barsamian, 10/11/24

Headline: “War & the Media”

“In times of war the corporate media play a salient role in shaping public opinion. There are worthy and unworthy victims. Muslims, Arabs, and Iranians generally fall into that latter category whereas Washington and its allies are worthy victims that we support and empathize with. The current phase of the Gaza war did not begin on October 7 as the media repeat ad nauseum. But to dig into the underlying causes and provide context and history rarely occurs because it would undermine the dominant propaganda. Thus the Norah O’Donnells, Wolf Blitzers, Lester Holts and other corporate news anchors don’t question the embedded assumptions and simply mimic, with few exceptions, the dominant official line.”