National Viewing Party 10/1

Just got this notice from the event people:


You’ve been selected as one of the 50 winners to receive POV’s special Dark Money party pack! 🎉🎉🎉 You’ll be receiving snacks, a

POV mug, coasters, a pen and a tote plus some vintage POV memorabilia in addition to Dark Money swag. We hope you’re looking forward to munching on some gourmet 🍿🍿🍿 and 🍫🍫🍫 while you and your friends watch the premiere on October 1st. Your swag should arrive within 10 days. Try not to eat up the snacks prior to the broadcast! 😋😋😋

Make the most out of your viewing party with our Dark Money companion materials:

  • Discussion Guide: Includes background information on dark money and campaign finance, as well as discussion prompts, tips for taking action and a resource list.

  • Lesson Plan: In this lesson plan for educators, students will examine a case study about how corporate donations to American political campaigns influence elections.

  • Reading List: Delve deeper into the issue of campaign finance with this list of fiction and non-fiction books for adults and younger readers.

Help spread the word to your community so they may join in the conversation as well with the Dark Money National Viewing Party Social Media Toolkit. This toolkit contains sample posts for Facebook and Twitter, plus photos.

Be sure to use the hashtag #DarkMoneyFilmPBS, so we can see your post and don’t forget to take a photo with your new swag and tag us using @POVdocs.

We look forward to hearing your voice on October 1st!

If you have any questions concerning the Dark Money National Viewing Party or your Dark Money party pack, feel free to email us at