Media Ignore, “If it walks like a . . . “

Article by in Media Matters by Tyler Monroe, 10/14/24

Headline: “Broadcast news shows and print outlets largely ignored Gen. Milley calling Trump “fascist to the core”

Subhead: “Only one article from The Washington Post and one segment from NBC News covered the comments”

“National broadcast news networks and print outlets buried recent comments from Donald Trump’s former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff retired Gen. Mark Milley calling the former president “fascist to the core.” Almost all broadcast news shows and the major newspapers ignored the comments, with only NBC’s Meet the Press and The Washington Post covering Milley’s “fascist” remarks.

“Reporting surfaced on October 11 that Milley called Trump “fascist to the core” in comments reported in journalist Bob Woodward’s upcoming book War.”

“. . . Broadcast and print news almost completely ignored Milley’s characterization of Trump as ‘fascist’.”