Which Podcasts are Reliable?

From Ad Fontes Media 10/24/24

Headline:  “Junk News is Like Junk Food”

Subhead:  “We love them, but both damage our health and our society as a whole. What can we do?”

“We, as humans, have basic needs for several things. One of them is food. Another is information. We are always, by necessity and want, taking in both.”

“. . .Ad Fontes Media has known for years that podcasts, as well as YouTube and other social media platforms, have become a popular place for people to get their information. For that reason, we began analyzing news and news-like podcasts for their bias and reliability in 2021.

“As Podcasts Grow in Popularity, Harris and Trump Appear as Guests to Reach New Audiences

“Find out which shows can be trusted on the October Media Bias Chart for podcasts.

“Our team has now rated more than 740 of them, and 48 are featured on the October Media Bias Chart® for podcasts that was released earlier this week. Learn more about the chart, including which eight podcasts are included for the first time:”
