Repeating a Lie in the Media Doesn’t Make it True

Article in Daily Kos by Xaxnar, 9/19/24

Headline: “Must-Read from Jamison Foser – How the media fails us by “Privileging the lie”

“When a news report treats the truthfulness of a lie as an open question, it privileges the lie. When a news report devotes more and more prominent space to recounting the lie and the liar’s defense of it than it does making clear that it’s a lie, the article privileges the lie. When a news report focuses on the target of a lie’s struggle to deal with the impact of the lie, the article privileges the lie. And when a news report focuses on the topic of the lie — even if it does a good job of making clear the lie is a lie — it privileges the lie, because it allows the liar to set the topic of conversation, and thus increases the electoral salience of a topic the liar believes is to his benefit.

Pulling False Fire Alarms Distract Media

Article in Daily Kos by James Jarmess, 9/16/24

Headline: The Sick Worn-out Trick That the Media keep Falling For — Every time

“(Rachel) Maddow just told the story of this kid who knows he is failing his Exam, in the middle of taking it. Desperate, he manages to pull the school’s Fire Alarm. Granted, he gets caught, and he catches hell for that stunt. But he is no longer ‘failing the Exam’ — everyone is now focused on his ‘bad behavior.’ Side benefit — the Exam was cancelled.

“Then Maddow draws that as an analogy of what Trump did in the Debate: When he realized he was ‘failing his Exam’ — before a national audience — he does something so unthinkable, it will change for discussion for days. Trump vehemently tells the made-up urban legend of Haitian immigrants stealing and eating pets.”

Social Media and the Debate

Article In The Guardian by Alaina Demopoulos, 9/10/24

Headline: “How the Trump-Harris debate played out on social media: ‘Maga mad libs’ “

Subhead:  “Users react to viral moments as Democratic and Republican candidates face off in presidential debate”

Social media users responded in many ways as to how the moderators kept people to account during the Harris/Trunp debate.

“ABC moderator “David Muir countered Trump’s assertion that Haitian immigrants abducted and ate pets in Springfield, Ohio – a rumor that began on Facebook, but was quickly shot down by city officials, even as JD Vance and other Republicans repeated the claims this week.

“ ‘They’re eating the dogs, the people that came in, they’re eating the cats, they’re eating the pets of the people that live there,’ Trump rambled, adding more pet lore to an election season filled with talk about ‘crazy cat ladies’.

. . . “But overall, the feeling on social media was that the former president floundered, and that Harris successfully baited him. A rare, bipartisan statement we might all be able to agree on: from Trump’s batty zingers to Harris’s lack of a poker face, both sides delivered enough meme fuel to last until November.”

Media Control, A Problem for Right-Wing

From an 8/6/24 article on Media Matters by John Knefel.

Headline:  “MAGA Media Figures Launch Desperate and Weird – Attacks on Harris Vice Presidentiral Pick Tim Walz”

“As governor, Walz has pursued a robust pro-worker and pro-child agenda, two public policy areas where conservatives have attempted to make superficialinroads. While some conservative pundits attempted to level attacks on Walz for his progressive record as governor, many of their initial reactions to the news have been strange, bizarre, and — some might even say — weird.

Read it here:

Looks Interesting

Training Session for Netroots Nation 2024! Will you please help choose the title?” – Sue Wilson
1. “How Local Communities can Hold TV and Radio Stations Accountable”
2. “Empowering Local Communities by Holding the FCC Accountable”
3. “Making Local Broadcasters Accountable to Your Community”
4. “How to make Local Broadcasters Accountable to Your Community”
5. “How to Stop Local TV and Radio from Poisoning Your Air” Don’t like any? I’m open to suggestions. THANKS!

Sue Wilson may be contacted on Facebook.


How to Translate the Media

From Daily Kos, May, 2023 :

“. . . when a reporter relays information from “a source close to” someone important, we’re probably looking at a shopped story—one the source was explicitly asked to give to the media. When they say “who wasn’t authorized to speak publicly,” that just means the source doesn’t want their own name attached. And yes, “source close to ‘(newsmaker)’ can often just mean ‘(newsmaker)’ themselves.”