Looks Interesting

Training Session for Netroots Nation 2024! Will you please help choose the title?” – Sue Wilson
1. “How Local Communities can Hold TV and Radio Stations Accountable”
2. “Empowering Local Communities by Holding the FCC Accountable”
3. “Making Local Broadcasters Accountable to Your Community”
4. “How to make Local Broadcasters Accountable to Your Community”
5. “How to Stop Local TV and Radio from Poisoning Your Air” Don’t like any? I’m open to suggestions. THANKS!

Sue Wilson may be contacted on Facebook.



News Deserts Need Watering

From The Guardian by Margaret Sullivan 1/18/24

Headline:  “Local newspapers are withering under destructive owners. We should worry”


“You can see this trend almost everywhere. Newspapers have faded and the growth of digital news outlets – while encouraging – hasn’t kept up with the losses. There are far fewer reporters now than 15 years ago, and they are much more concentrated in places like Washington DC and New York City. Local newspapers go out of business every week.”

“That turns huge swaths of the US into “news deserts” – places where there is virtually no credible local journalism. Democracy suffers as citizens become less engaged and more polarized, and as government corruption flourishes because the watchdog has gone silent.”

Decline in Local News Coverage Affects All Americans

From Associated Press 11/15/23

“The decline of local news in the United States is speeding up despite attention paid to the issue, to the point where the nation has lost one-third of its newspapers and two-thirds of its newspaper journalists since 2005.” Giant media corporations continue to dominate American information outlets – even digital media decline.


FCM Meeting Next Week

Want to learn more about the media?

The next monthly meeting and potluck for Friends of Community Media will be held at 5 PM CST, October 28th at 3707 Pennsylvania Avenue, Kansas City.  Issues discussed will be upcoming events.

Program Next Week on Information Access

Spencer Graves, President of Friends of Community Media, will address the All-Souls Forum in Kansas City on Oct. 29th from 9:30 – 10:30 AM CST. The media-related topic will be “Information is a public good: Experiments in better government”.

This will be occur both in person at All Souls UU Church, 4501 Walnut Street, KCMO 64111, and via YouTube Live at:


The audio from the presentation will also be broadcast 11 days later on Nov. 9th on:


Below is a related link to Mr. Graves’ Wikiversity article called, “Information is a public good: Designing experiments to improve government”. This article covers the topic in more detail than will be discussed Oct. 29:


FCM Sponsors Event With Community of Reason

Friends of Community Media is now a co-sponsor for the Oct. 29th session of Community of Reason. This program (2-4 PM CST) will feature Romary Daval, General Secretary of “Un Bout des Médias” (translates – a purpose for the media), speaking to us via Zoom from Paris.

“Un Bout des Médias” is roughly a French counterpart to the U.S. Freepress.net but their activism program seems to be getting more traction than the media reform movement in the US is getting. They actively raise funds for nonprofit journalism organizations giving journalists more power in editorial decisions than may be possible in the U.S. due to legal structures.

For information:

