As If Journalism Didn’t Have Enough Problems, Is A.I. Another Threat?

Article from the Guardian “If Meta’s intransigence isn’t enough, AI poses an even greater threat to journalism”
by Margaret Simons 3/1/24

“This could be the most catastrophic threat to the sustainability of professional journalism so far, in an industry that has barely recovered from the flight of classified advertising to online platforms in the 90s and the exodus of most of the rest of the advertising revenue to Google and Facebook since 2014”

“What can be done? All the news media companies are carefully watching the way that Microsoft and Google are integrating AI into search.

“Many news media are blocking outfits like OpenAI from scraping their sites. Google and Microsoft are harder to stop. It is not clear that it can be done.

“Copyright law – a limp and fuzzy beast – may not be adequate to stop the cannibalism, but publishers are keeping their options open on legal action.

“What about the news media bargaining code? At the moment it doesn’t cover the use of media content for training the AI robots – but perhaps, with modification, it could.”