NOTICE: The FCM meeting scheduled for Saturday 3/14 at 2:00 PM will now be online. The location where we hold our meetings has said all meetings will be cancelled there. An email giving instructions is being sent out for those who wish to attend from home on our FCM email list.

Mission statement: The mission of Friends of Community Media is to promote non-commercial community-based media of all types, to educate citizens on the nature of the media, and to encourage all media to be responsive to the public in coverage.

Minutes from February  – Spencer

Treasurer – Greg Current balance, expenses

Committee Reports

           Website committee meeting 2/20 report

           Events Committee – report – Craig, Richard – event:  Religion and the media All Souls 5/17

Old Business         

           Event possibility with KKFI – Amy Goodman – Media in a Time of War

           ProPublica affiliation possibility – Spencer

           Kansas City Press Club collaboration – Spencer

New Business            

           Do we want to meetings via Zoom in foreseeable future?

           Monthly potlucks future?

           Prepare for Annual Meeting – Bylaws – first Monday of April


Potluck Reminder

Reminder: FCM potluck at Spencer’s – at 4559 Warwick Blvd 508, Saturday, Feb. 29, 6 PM.