Minutes from FCM 8/10/19 Meeting

Notes from the 8/10 Saturday meeting.
Attending Richard Thompson, Greg Swartz, Craig Lubow, and Tom Crane.
Quorum for board business established 2:15

Secretary – minutes from July meeting distributed online by Spencer on 8/3 (to be approved at September meeting since he was out of town)

Treasurer Last 7/31 statement showed a balance $3,362.29

Old business:
Upcoming Wayne Besen “Conversion Therapy in the Media” event at All Souls – Greg paid for the airfare on his credit card,
Tom volunteered to write a news release and PSAs for the media, Richard talked about getting the word out to various lists and he reached out to UMKC, Truth Wins Out, and others encouraged to contact groups that may be supportive. Richard volunteered to moderate the event. Need to contact Judy Ancel, Bill Clause. Possible media tour and reception. Tom will host Wayne at his home.

Greg will complete FCM’s annual registration form.

New Business: Discussion on reimbursing Greg for his purchase of airline ticket. Craig moved and Richard seconded
that Greg be reimbursed for $ 374. Motion passed unanimously and Tom wrote a check to Greg.

Craig brought up the issue of whether we needed a contract for future speakers so if they didn’t show up we would not have to pay. Discussion.

Tom is checking with David Barsamian about an October visit, and possible other events might be bringing in Tom Flynn from the Center of Inquiry who wrote a book dealing with Christmas and media topics. Craig said he could help with this event, possibly in November.

Discussion on setting up a debit card with our bank so people would stop having to pay for events from their own accounts and be reimbursed. Greg will check on this with the Great American Bank which holds our
checking account.

Planned meeting on improving the FCM website on Thursday. Tom will check into granting wider access to the website so others will be more free to contribute to it. Greg now has an FCM email address which will be helpful in working with the site.

Next meeting board/members will be on 9/14 at the KKFI annex room at 2:00 PM

Discussion of next potluck – Labor Day weekend not good so it was decided to have it on Sunday 8/25 at Spencer’s place at 5:00 PM after
checking with him

Meeting adjourned 3:30
Minutes taken by Tom Crane