Disappearing Local News Calamity is Outlined in this Article.

Article from Nieman Lab by Joshua Benton, 3/9/23

Headline: “The scale of local news destruction in Gannett’s markets is astonishing”

Sub-head:  “It might not be as mustache-twirling a villain as Alden Global Capital, but its enormous scale has meant enormous losses for local journalism.”

“And its most recent SEC filing reports that, as of the end of 2022, Gannett had just 11,200 U.S. employees remaining (plus another roughly 3,000 overseas).

“. . . Gannett has eliminated more than half of its jobs in the United States in four years. It’s as if, instead of merging America’s two largest newspaper chains, one of them was simply wiped off the face of the earth.

“That’s a cut substantially deeper than the rate of newspaper revenue decline. Why? . . . “
