Continuing to update our website

After an FCM website meeting, work is continuing to make more user friendly and more information is being added regularly.

Our annual meeting is coming up in two weeks and information about that may be found under the “Events” tab, under the “Upcoming Events” tab. This will be an important media year, so our annual meeting will be important!

Join in the discussion on local journalism this Saturday.

This Saturday, October 3rd at Noon, there will be a discussion of  Local Journalism Sustainability Act (2020 HR 7640), the issues involved, and how it tries to address them.  This legislation could offer tax credits for local media, their subscribers and advertisers To participate in this event, click on the link below to register:
, , , and for more information go to:
We invite comments about this from candidates to represent parts of the greater Kansas City area in the US Congress and others.  Dean Baker, a co-founder of the Center for Economic and Policy Research, shares some of his thoughts on citizen-controlled subsidies for media, of which HR 7640 would be one possible implementation.  Professor Ruby L. Bailey, Executive Editor, Columbia Missourian and Missouri Community Newspaper Management Chair, University of Missouri School of Journalism, comments on the challenges facing local newspapers, especially in Missouri, and how HR 7640 may or may not respond appropriately to those needs. Mark Masson, Executive Director of the Missouri Press Association, provides some commentary.  This will be broadcast on KKFI on Thursday 10/8 on the Local Showcase Show at 8:00 PM, and will be excerpted from the virtual (Zoom) forum on this issue October 3.

A Way to Save Local Journalism!

Coming up on Thursday 10/8 7 PM on KKFI 90.1 –

An important show on the proposed Local Journalism Sustainability Act, discussing concerns and opportunities.

The Local Journalism Sustainability Act attempts to support democracy with tax credits for local media. We invite comments from candidates to represent residents of the greater Kansas City area in the US Congress and others. Dean Baker, Center for Economic and Policy Research, shares some of his thoughts on citizen-controlled subsidies for media. Professor Ruby L. Bailey, U of Missouri School of Journalism, and Mark Masson, Missouri Press Association, comment. This broadcast is excerpted from a virtual (Zoom) forum on this issue October 3 which took place on Oct 3, 2020 at 12:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada).

Airing on the Thursday Night Special show:

Lorenzo Milam, Media Pioneer Passes

Wake for Saturday, 8/15/20 Planned.

Lorenzo Milam- A Wake for an Inspiring Rapscallion!

Please save the date:

Sat, August 15th, 4 p.m. Pacific Time til the wee hours

We will hold an online wake to memorialize community radio legend Lorenzo Milam. Lorenzo passed away at the age of 86 on July 19th in Pueblo Escondido, Oaxaca, Mexico. Lorenzo was a leader in community radio, disability rights, publishing, and half a dozen other pursuits. There are many radio stations still broadcasting today which he helped to launch either directly or through the guidance of his writings.
We will be using Zoom for the event, and (since Lorenzo was a radio guy, and a bunch of people attending are radio people) you are welcome to take the audio from that and project it through the aether even beyond the videoconference. Use your imaginations!
There will be an open time for everyone to share their memories. If you have something particular you would like to have a few scheduled minutes for on the program, drop us a line.
Lorenzo touched a giant heap of people’s lives. A lot of people will probably want to share something. For the open period, please pick one story to tell, and try to keep it to 87 seconds— one second for every year of his life. We will not be time-fascists about it… but please be considerate to the many people who will likely have something to share, and won’t get to be heard if we have too many ramblers in our midst. If you’d like to share a longer story in writing, you can send it to: and we can compile them together to share.
Questions? Want to receive further notifications about this? Want to join the ad hoc committee organizing this event? contact:
pete tridish
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Grassroots Radio Conference

Lorenzo Milam Has Died.

Lorenzo Milam inspired people to start KKFI community radio in Kansas City. He challenged the FCC with his petition against duopoly years ago. He maintained that radio should be a medium for everyone and every point of viewl

This petition to the FCC generated more than 4 million responses

He also wrote a manual on starting a community radio station called “Sex and Broadcasting”.

The book that launched a hundred radio stations.