David Barsamian Information

David Barsamian will speak at an FCM benefit at All Souls Unitarian Church 4501 Walnut in Kansas City. He will be speaking on “Democracy and the Media”

A Link to The Boulder, Colorado weekly giving biographical information on David is below:

People who wish to order tickets on brownpapertickets.com may search for the event by using the keywords “Barsamian” or “Media and Democracy”. Tickets are also available at the door.

David Barsamian Bio

David Barsamian Photograph

One of America’s most tireless and wide-ranging investigative journalists, David Barsamian has altered the independent media landscape, both with his weekly radio show Alternative Radio—now in its 34th year—and his books with Noam Chomsky, Eqbal Ahmad, Howard Zinn, Tariq Ali, Richard Wolff, Arundhati Roy and Edward Said. His latest books are with Noam Chomsky: Global Discontents: Rising Threats to Democracy and Edward Said: Culture and Resistance. He lectures on world affairs, imperialism, capitalism, propaganda, the media and global rebellions.

David Barsamian is the winner of the Media Education Award, the ACLU’s Upton Sinclair Award for independent journalism, and the Cultural Freedom Fellowship from the Lannan Foundation. The Institute for Alternative Journalism named him one of its Top Ten Media Heroes. He is the recipient of Lifetime Achievement Awards from the Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center and the South Asian Network for Secularism and Democracy. He has collaborated with the world-renowned Kronos Quartet in events in New York, London, Vienna, San Francisco and elsewhere.

Barsamian was deported from India due to his work on Kashmir and other revolts. He is still barred from traveling to “the world’s largest democracy.”

As a kid, David was a bit of a rebel and frequently played hooky from school. Growing up in New York in the shadow of the Armenian Genocide sparked an interest in history and politics. His first interview was with his mother, Araxie. He says, that interview was the most difficult he has ever done. He then went on to do a series of interviews with survivors.

He says he was further radicalized when his beloved Brooklyn Dodgers baseball team moved to Los Angeles. He said, “That’s all I needed to know about capitalism.”

People who wish to order tickets to the David Barsamian event October 30th event at All Souls using brownpapertickets.com may search for the event by using the words “Barsamian” or “Media and Democracy”. Tickets will also be available at the door.

Barsamian Examines Media and Democracy in FCM Presentation


Kansas City, Mo. , 10/3/19  – David Barsamian author of a book with Noam Chomsky – Global Discontents: Conversations on the Rising Threats to Democracy, will present his views on the state of the media on October 30, at 6:30 PM at All Souls Unitarian Church, 4501 Walnut in Kansas City.

A tireless and wide-ranging journalist, Barsamian is important to the independent media landscape with his weekly radio show, “Alternative Radio” now in its 34th year – and his books with Noam Chomsky, Eqbal Ahmad, Howard Zinn, Tariq Ali, Arundhati Roy, and Richard Wolff.

“Alternative Radio” airs locally on KKFI FM 90.1 on Wednesdays at 9:00 AM.  An interview with him will him live air on Tuesday, 10/29 on the station at 6:00 PM on the “Radioactive Magazine” show.

David is the recipient of many awards including the Media Education Award, the ACLU’s Upton Sinclair award, and Friends of Community Media’s Media Excellence Award.

Admission at the door will be $15, $10 for students, low-income people, and seniors.  A reception to meet Mr. Barsamian is at 7:30 PM for $25 (includes an event ticket and refreshments).  Autographed books and CDs will be available for purchase.  Ticket proceeds will benefit Friends of Community Media, a non-profit 501(c)3 group.

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People may order tickets for the October 30th event on brownpapertickets.com by searching with the keywords “Barsamian” or “Media and Democracy”.

Sponsored by the All-Souls Forum, KKFI and United Minority Media Association.

Conversion Therapy in the Media Presentation Kicks-off Series Examining the Media.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                      Contact:  Richard Thompson                                                                                                        (913) 209-4114      


Broadcaster, author, journalist, and human rights activist Wayne Besen will explore how the media enable or thwart so-called “conversion therapy”

On Sunday September 29th, Friends of Community Media will host Wayne Besen, a former investigative journalist for WABI-TV, former spokesman for the Human Rights Campaign, and the founder of Truth Wins Out will speak at All Souls Unitarian Church 4501 Walnut in Kansas City at 10:00 AM.  Wayne also has an Internet radio show “The Wayne Besen” on Progressive Voices.

When Besen came out to his parents, they bought him an ex-gay DVD that could supposedly hypnotize people and turn them straight. It was that and the invitation by President George W. Bush of ex-gay leader Alan Chambers to the White House that led him to start the Truth Wins Out organization and examine how the media cover the issue of “Conversion Therapy” – the activity that attempts to convert people who are gay to become “straight” – usually through religious coercion.

A very questionable, unlicensed practice banned in over 18 states, many people and relatives are fooled into believing that homosexuality can be “cured” through intense deprogramming through “conversion therapy” – usually by fundamentalist Christian groups having no psychological training. 

Methods used have included “treatments such as ice-pick lobotomies, hormonal chemical castration, application of electric shock to hands and genitals, and nausea-inducing drug and are accompanied by prayer and group-pressure.

Besen has interviewed hundreds of former and current “ex-gays”, and is an outspoken critic of so-called “conversion therapy” and organizations such as Homosexuals Anonymous and NARTH (The National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality).

Starting a series of events critically examining the role of the media in American Culture, Friends of Community Media will cover topics such at religion in the media, David Barsamian host of “Alternative Radio”, why conservatives and progressives hate the media, honesty in reporting, what is fake news and propaganda, a panel of people who have left of been forced out of the media, and alternatives for viable non-profit news.

Friends of Community Media (FCM) is a 501(C)3 not-for-profit organization set up to preserve and foster citizen participation in the media.   FCM also assists diverse groups and citizens to create their own media, influence existing media, & promote diverse media ownership. 

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Minutes from FCM 8/10/19 Meeting

Notes from the 8/10 Saturday meeting.
Attending Richard Thompson, Greg Swartz, Craig Lubow, and Tom Crane.
Quorum for board business established 2:15

Secretary – minutes from July meeting distributed online by Spencer on 8/3 (to be approved at September meeting since he was out of town)

Treasurer Last 7/31 statement showed a balance $3,362.29

Old business:
Upcoming Wayne Besen “Conversion Therapy in the Media” event at All Souls – Greg paid for the airfare on his credit card,
Tom volunteered to write a news release and PSAs for the media, Richard talked about getting the word out to various lists and he reached out to UMKC, Truth Wins Out, and others encouraged to contact groups that may be supportive. Richard volunteered to moderate the event. Need to contact Judy Ancel, Bill Clause. Possible media tour and reception. Tom will host Wayne at his home.

Greg will complete FCM’s annual registration form.

New Business: Discussion on reimbursing Greg for his purchase of airline ticket. Craig moved and Richard seconded
that Greg be reimbursed for $ 374. Motion passed unanimously and Tom wrote a check to Greg.

Craig brought up the issue of whether we needed a contract for future speakers so if they didn’t show up we would not have to pay. Discussion.

Tom is checking with David Barsamian about an October visit, and possible other events might be bringing in Tom Flynn from the Center of Inquiry who wrote a book dealing with Christmas and media topics. Craig said he could help with this event, possibly in November.

Discussion on setting up a debit card with our bank so people would stop having to pay for events from their own accounts and be reimbursed. Greg will check on this with the Great American Bank which holds our
checking account.

Planned meeting on improving the FCM website on Thursday. Tom will check into granting wider access to the website so others will be more free to contribute to it. Greg now has an FCM email address which will be helpful in working with the site.

Next meeting board/members will be on 9/14 at the KKFI annex room at 2:00 PM

Discussion of next potluck – Labor Day weekend not good so it was decided to have it on Sunday 8/25 at Spencer’s place at 5:00 PM after
checking with him

Meeting adjourned 3:30
Minutes taken by Tom Crane

Meeting coming up

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Next FCM board and member meeting will be on Saturday 7/13/19 at the KKFI annex room 39th & Main, rear door.  2 PM.
Some items to discuss:
Fall event.
Media series – paying to bring in speakers//
Corporation status.
Monthly event possibilities.
Agenda items are welcome.
Next potluck event